
Fave Boots (by Kayla)


Kayla here sharing a page I created using the lovely December kit - Watermelon Gelato. 

I wanted to get my mists out and have a play for this one.
This technique for 'ink splats' is super easy.
You simply grab a couple of colours of mist (I used a teal and a purple colour in the Dylusions by Ranger mists) You choose where on the page you would like your 'splat' and pour a bit of mist (about the size of a 5cent coin, or bigger depending on the area you want to cover) and then you simply get a straw and use it to blow the mist over the page.

As you can see here I have used two colours and where they combine they react and create a blended colour. It's a lot of fun to play with!

I must admit I am a bit of an addict when it comes to taking pictures of my shoes..especially boots. I love winter boots.
I loved all the little embellishments that came with this kit..especially the gorgeous Amy Tan resin cameras. How cute!
I have my sewing machine permanently set up on my table now so I usually always sew around my edges just to create a finished edge. If it's not always set up then I'm usually too lazy to drag it out. It's a bit like that with all my supplies really. I am one LAZY scrapbooker.

Hope you liked my first page using the kit.
Would love to see yours.

Kayla. x

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