
Bernii Miller with the January "Almond Biscotti" layout.


Helloo there Polly! Peeps..

It is Bernii Miller here again to share with you another of my layouts that I created with the January "Almond Biscotti" kit.

I managed to create two totally different looks form the the one kit and today I wanted to share with you a much cooler kit I created ..

I used to light grey watercolour in the back ground then went to town with the layering of the patterned paper. 

I loved these alphas from the kit so really enjoyed creating this title for my layout. To finish it off I created a little cluster in the bottom right hand corner to help draw the eye around the page. 

Then it was just a matter of clustering  and layering all the yummy embellishments from the kit , all around the main photo...I even managed to sneak in the " this is awesome" stamp that comes in the kit..

I am really happy with how this turned out , and love how different the colour palette is from my usual bright self, so it was  a really nice challenge. This is exactly why I LOVE kits!! I get to try new colour combos and products I would not normally try. 

Till next time 

Much Love
Bernii x

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