
Looking at Lauren's December!


Happy Monday Canaries - Lauren here!

I hope that you all had a great weekend full of lots of festive fun! I had a great Christmas catch up with some of my closest friends - we even did a Christmas cookie swap - so I am swimming in deliciousness!

How are all of your December albums going? Mine has been going really well - if you follow Scrappy Canary on Instagram (@scrappycanary) you will see that I have posting my progress every day, which has been so much fun and has also kept me on track with staying up to day with my album! There are still a couple of kits left so head over now, pick one up and get started on your album.

In my last post, which you can read here, I spoke about setting up my December album - today I thought that I would take you through each of my layouts since December 1 and how I put them together.

December 1

I was so excited to have one of my lino cuts included in all of the Scrappy Canary Document December kits.

I have just started working with lino cuts - I design them myself, hand cut them and hand print them. I am so excited that my handmade designs will be included in people's albums or cards!

If you are using my lino cut I'd love you to upload a pic on Instagram so I can see it - make sure that you tag @scrappycanary and @lovelifelauren!

December 2

One of my favourite things about the Scrappy Canary kits are the gorgeous stamp sets designed by our very talented Manda!

In this spread I used the stamp set to create a journalling card. Creating your own journalling cards is a great way to get more use out of your stamps (and document your memories).
December 3-4

I was so inspired by the packaging that Manda used in sending us our Document December kits that not only did I use the 'jolly' tag on my front cover, I also used shipping tags on each of my spreads to document the day. I am so happy with how they turned out.

Plus, you'll also see throughout my album that I have used the string from the packaging too! Waste not want not!

December 5

One of the best things about the Scrappy Canary kits are the free printables. I am using the little label printables throughout my whole album to write quick snapshots about what the photos are about. Not only are there labels and tags but also journalling and filler cards.

I used the 'Christmas Currents' journalling card printable to document what I am currently doing. Journalling cards like this are a great way to capture a point in time and are so much fun to look back on in your albums and see what you were up to. 

December 6

I really love the Basic Grey 'Evergreen' paper and embellishments and I have used the paper on every page in my album. 

I created paper flags and used them with the shipping tags for each of the dates. The papers have a great mix of colours - both traditional and non traditional. 

You can see on this layout not only have I used three types of paper but also the 'love' red embellishments. They all coordinate perfectly! 

December 7

In previous years I have been a bit sceptical about non-traditional Christmas colours but this year, with the help of this kit (and also due to the fact that I have made some neon Christmas cards), I have really embraced them! 

Given that this day documents a cheeky day out at a music festival the blues and the 'naughty or nice' embellishments were perfect! I also love the red Webster's Pages little letter stickers - they add a great pop to the page. 

December 8

Is it just me or are wood veneer the best! (I also strangely love the smell of wood veneer - what a weirdo!). The Elle's Studio wood veneer are great - how cute is this 'enjoy every moment' flag. 

I also loved the packaging that the veneer came in so I cut it up and used it as patterned paper in the spread! I always make sure that I keep great packaging - cool packaging and patters always come in handy in a layout!

December 9

How lucky are we that we get so many exclusive products in the Document December kit? 

The flair is exclusive and I really wanted to make it a feature on this spread. I mounted the flair on a circle label printable (that was the same colour as the 'it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas' printable I used below it) and some patterned paper. Sometimes I like to have the embellishment as the focus of the card.

December 10 & 11

The sequins that came in the kit add a lovely piece of sparkle to the spreads and as you can see I have used them in every spread! They add great consistency throughout the album. 

I love the photo of my husband Ash and I - it is probably one of the only traditional Christmassy photos we'll have over the month! 

December 12

The Scrappy Canary word banners look great and I have mixed them with patterned paper as feature cards across my album.

The Evergreen letters which I used for 'cookies' are great. I am currently in a cookie baking coma - five dozen cookies is a lot! 

So there you have it Canaries - my December album! I am having so much fun working on it! I'll be back soon showing my Pocket Life spread using the December Pocket Life and Embellishment kits. Have a great week and enjoy every moment of the festive season. Love, Lauren xx

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