One Sketch - Four Ways
09:00Happy Monday Canaries - Lauren here! I hope that you all have a great week ahead of you! I've been away for a couple of weeks so this week I am back home and back into the swing of things (I also need to apologise for my photos this week - my camera was running out of batteries and there was bad light as it was cloudy, but the show must go on).
Every month here at Scrappy Canary we have a sketch challenge. January's sketch challenge is a great one and today I am using the new January Kits - the Embellishment Kit 'Be Mine' and the Pocket Life Kit 'Candy Heart' - to show you one sketch, four ways.
First up I created a traditional 12x12 scrapbook layout. In my interpretation of the sketch I used stitching for the line down the page and I then also stitched the title. I love how stitching can add an extra something to a layout.
In my interpretation of the sketch I decided to use the glassine bag that held the kit embellishments - crumpled it up and then flattened it out to an some extra dimension. How cute are the sequinned bows? I love them. I also speckled the layout with the Heidi Swapp Glitter Sticker Hearts and the pink enamel dots.

First up I created the title card for my week - Week 47. The Dear Lizzy alphabet stickers and the puffy stickers added great elements to the card, along with some extra dimension.
The 'dream a little bigger' cloud sticker is a great theme for the week - I think that we all need to take the time in our weeks to focus on your dreams. That's the beauty of pocket scrapbooking - we can track our dreams throughout the year.
The Dear Lizzy paper has great colours. Doesn't the background paper look like the sprinkles on a donut! Mmmmm, donuts!
The shipping tag from the embellishment kit was a great addition to the card too.
The flower cabochon is also a super cute addition!

As the above traditional layout is an insert for week 47 I continued a similar theme. I included the hand-drawn journalling lines, along with the pink enamel dots - this will tie the insert with the rest of the layout.
Even though it's a boring green smoothie - I think I made it pretty fun!
Finally, I made a card for my brother-in-law's upcoming birthday. I am sure that when many of you first looked at this kit you thought it was super-girly, well I wanted to us this kit to make something masculine.
So there you have it - one sketch, four ways! Don't forget that you still have until the 5th of February to enter the January Sketch Challenge - visit the relevant blog post to find out more information and how to post your creations! I can't wait to see your takes on the sketch.
Have an amazing week Canaries! Lauren xx