
Just be Cool.. layout share by Michelle


Happy Sunday everyone!
A quick layout share from me today

This one came together quite quickly. Im really enjoying crafting with kits again, and seem to be smashing them out in the last few days! So far I've made 4 with just the Scrapbook kit alone, and I still have plenty to use for more!

Its quite tricky to get Leila to stay still for photos lately! Ive had to resort to a bit or bribery to get cool dude poses like this one!

Did I tell you last post just how much I LOVE ephemera packs? 

Perfect for layering together in clusters 

and adding the perfect finishing touch to empty space 

layer, stick or staple and you're done!

it Really is that simple! Ive also added in some ripped strips of washi tape... which I need more of!

Thanks for stopping by!
Happy scrapping 
Michelle x

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