
Aimee's November Project Life Spread.


Okay, I’m going to make a little confession: ever since I came on board as Polly’s designer, I have been receiving the kits. Ruth has always felt it was important for me to be involved in the construction of the kits but also to become familiar with the brand. At first I wasn’t sure this was a good idea. For starter I don’t have a lot room for supplies and well… how do I put this delicately, I’m a scrapbooking snob. I am notorious for only buying cohesive kits and I can be pretty brutal with my opinions. I just like things to match.

When November’s kit arrived I laid it out on the dining room table and to my great relief I loved it. I loved it all. I cannot tell you how rare that is for me. The second thing that came to mind was – Wow… there is a lot of stuff here! There is most certainly enough in this kit to make 2 maybe 3 spreads, even after Mog swiped my ‘sparkly words’ and I had to trade her 3 arrows, the crocodile clip and a temporary tattoo to get them back. The perils of looking after a child with a scrapbooking obsession, I suppose.

We worked on our layouts together. Mog was lucky enough to have her bedtime extended to 9.30. I finished my spread just shy of midnight and I have to say I really love the way it turned out.

Favorite Item in the kit? I really thought about this. I love, love, love the Heidi Swapp glitter word stickers but I’m so pedantic about placement that it took me 3 attempts to get it exactly where I wanted. That was a little challenging. So I’m going to have to go with the rub on sequins. They are so easy to use and very cute.

Try something new?  I’m not a big mister. In fact looking back at on my albums the last time I did was way back in Week 7. When arranging my spread however, the die cut tag looked out of place next to the white letterpress frame. I thought I would misted it to match the umbrella in the picture. Effective, don’t you think?

Anything you would like to fess up to? No, but I will anyway. See the letterpress frame? I wasn’t paying attention. I was asking Mog not to put her inked stamps straight on to the table, I used the wrong side of the corner rounder and lopped the bottom right corner off. Oops. Nothing an embellishment cluster and some washi won’t fix. Also, the wood veneer up the top right, the bow is hiding a spiral notebook cuts. Originally I thought it would work because the picture is taken in our study but in the end it didn’t look right, so I borrowed a bow from the main kit along with the black thicker.

I really hope you like the kit and spread as much as I do. I’m very happy to eat my own words and call myself a Polly Kit fan. If you would like to read more about this layout you can check out my blog here and if haven’t already got the November kits you can get it here.

Aimee xx

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