
Shipping Tag Mini Album with Manda


Hi everyone, Manda here today and I wanted to share a little mini album I made with the November Scrapbook Kit. I used some shipping tags as a base for this album however if you didn't have any you could just cut a piece of patterned paper to the same size.
It is a very quick process to make the base, all I did was cut a couple of pieces of paper to the shape of the tags. The Studio Calico Abroad paper didn’t really work for me so for that one I stuck it to the actual tag, the others are just cut in shape to match. Then I just embellishedPolly_Mini1
One of my favourite things in the kit was the Maggie Holmes ephemera pack, which are still available in the store (I got a second pack because I loved them so much!), and I have mainly used that to embellish the tags, the other main part of embellishments is a piece of Dear Lizzy cut apart paper from the Polka Dot party collection. Then I just took the whole thing to the sewing machine and added some stitching.
Polly_Mini_CollageThe adorable camera veneer is exclusive to this months kit and I just used my Crop A Dile to punch a hole through it. To finish off I just used a ring binder and added ribbon. As you can see it is a fairly easy process and if you didn't have shipping tags you could also use Project Life cards or a cut apart 12x12 paper. I am also going to make some christmas themed ones to give as gifts. 
Hope you enjoyed this project - Manda xxx

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