
The Start of My December Daily Album ~ Kayla


It's Kayla here and I am playing catch up. 
I meant to share this last week but had a baby brain moment and for some reason thought that the Simple Stories page protectors would fit in a Studio calico handbook ~ I was wrong.
So without delay … here is the bones of my album.

I kept the cover pretty simple. I rubbed some gold ink around the edges and ran some tacky tape (from American Crafts) up the spine & sprinkled with glitter. This stuff is awesome. it's pretty much a stronger version of double sided tape. I loved the bells that came with the kit so decided to wrap some twine and hang bells from the spine. I love it because it jingles when you pick it up.

I used some gold lame mist from Heidi Swapp on the bottom right corner, some gold ferro paste and a polka mask and finished with some die cuts, the gorgeous gold letters and flair from the kit :)

Since I only just got my protectors, I've only just had time to put them in the protectors roughly where I want them. There is still some moving around to be done & a lot of stitching and altering. 
I had my video camera out today though and decided to give you a peek at where things are at…
You can check the video in full version on my YouTube channel here.

While I am talking about videos, here is another one which shows you just how much you get packed into this Polly! December Daily kit. I am amazed by just how many goodies are inside. Certainly enough to craft all through December.

I will 'see' you all soon to share more of my album as it progresses.


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