
Bernii rocks Rainbow Paddlepop



Well welcome to another Sunday.. It is Bernii here sharing some "Rainbow Paddlepop" goodness ..

So go  and grab yourself a cuppa , sit back and I hope can give you some inspiration... 

So this kit is jam packed with bright colours from the gorgeous 'Mayberry" Collection that Ruth was able to exclusively nab for the Polly! kits ..Ruth worked tirelessly behind the scenes to get this range just for you and I am so glad she did as this collection is gorgeous....

This week again I have been photo heavy and I must admit I hesitated to use so much colour.. But in the end once I started I could not stop.. I look at the whole page now and I am so in love with h it all came together.. 

To help the thickers stand out in some of the pages, I masked the back ground with some washi tape... Then for the "sick" card I simple used the scraps to create some mini banners. 

I also managed to make a card with some of the left overs from the Rainbow Paddlepop kit, by simply layering all the goodies on top of each other. This card I think will be for my daughter with a little love note inside for her as she is my "Sunshine"..

Well I hope you have enjoyed my take on using the kit and I hope you are finding some time to scrap this weekend. 

Till next time
Much love
Bernii xx

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