
Guest Designer - Ali Moloney


Hi everyone,

It is with great pleasure I introduce Ali to the Polly Guest Design spot today.  Ali uses the now sold out March Jellybeans Pocket Life Kit to create her week 10 layout.

Hello!  My name is Ali and I have had a blast working with the Polly! March Pocket Pages kit!  Amy Tangerine is up there with my favourites, and this kit featuring Plus One was perfect for a week that was not spectacular in terms of photos.  It was really, an average, busy week.  And that is why I love Project Life! 
I don't have a set process - I narrow down my photos and think about what I want or need to journal as well.  My title card was almost trashed - as you can see I have stamped the date a few times (Thanks Kellie from Give a Girl a Blog for the inspiration) as I actually messed up....and the '9' did not work!  So I have saved the gorgeous card, and am living with my mistake!

My photos are framed with the top of the 6 x 6 paper pad.  I have just ripped up the bits and stuck them down.  The photo's needed something, and I wanted to try to use as much of the kit as possible.

These photos are perfect reminders of how exhausted the kids are when I get them from Kindy.  They are still adjusting to being at Kindy and most days Brendan is almost always asleep at pick up time!

I love all the cork in this kit.  There is something so simple about it - and it goes with anything!

We have a retro gaming thingy - like an old arcade game, and the kids really do play Donkey Kong, and it really is a war some days!
Here is my RHS (is it right...or left...confused, but here is my first page..)

Onto the other side, and I have used lots of the gorgeous patterned paper as well as the bits and pieces from the 6 x 6 paper pad.  I love the designs of Plus One, it is really so very pretty, and the font of the script is gorgeous!

I take pictures of the kids artwork and use those, and use the artwork as wrapping paper for gifts.  I love that it is being used, but some are so precious I cannot bear to get rid of them - and I have a very large box full of pictures.  Caitlyn is our resident artist, and her picture this week is of a bunny (from stencil) and the rest is her handiwork, and I love it! People, flowers and butterflies!  She also is the most belligerent of children and is quite often photographed doing something naughty - her current favourite habit is stealing the peanut butter and just eating it from the jar!

Here is just a close up so you can see the gorgeous Amy Tan acrylics!  Oh I LOVE them!  You can even see that my pen ran out in this photo!  I am living on the edge by even allowing them to stay in my album - but that is what PL is about - documenting the every day, not the perfect choreographed moments!  Using this kit made me go against my neatness and need for perfection - and I love that I have.  This page is a true representation of the week - busy and chaotic, but still so incredibly worth remembering.  And I actually love that I made mistakes - because I learning that in PL, the mistakes are sometimes the best bit.  And really, who has never had a pen run out?  Or made a mistake with a stamp?  I dare you to leave one 'mistake' on your page this week - be a little crazy!

Hope you have enjoyed the little look into what I refer to as Moloney Mayhem.  You can check out my blog here (www.moloneystylestamping.wordpress.com) if you want to see more shenanigans!  I am feeling very special to have a guest post in Polly!  Thanks for the opportunity ladies!  Have a great day whatever you are doing :)

Facebook - Ali Moloney
Instagram - vcu23
Twitter - @holdengirl23
I am a Mum, a wife, a nurse, a teacher, a wannabe writer and a total coffee snob :)  

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