
Introducing June's Guest Designers


It's the first week of a new month Polly! peeps and you know what that means!!  Time to introduce our guest designers for the month.

Showcasing their work using out May kits on the blog this month are Kylie Beller and Gail Lindner!


Hi there!  My name is Kylie and I can't tell you how excited I am to guest design for Polly! Scraps.

I am a self-confessed scrap-a-holic!  I started scrapping over 10 years ago when I attended a bridal shower where the host was a Creative Memories consultant.  We were all to do a layout with photos of the bride-to-be that we had brought from home.  These were all put very creatively into an album as a keepsake for the host.  Well, to say from that moment on that I was hooked would be an understatement... I was obsessed!

I have passionately scrapped my way through the last 10 years, creating all kinds of layouts, mini albums, cards, invitations...  If it has anything to do with memory keeping, then I've probably given it a go (and most likely loved every second). 

This all brought me to my latest obsession, Project Life.  This simple and modern way of documenting life gets me so excited that I even feel my heart rate increase just saying the words LOL ;)  

I'm so grateful to Ruth for having me on board and I can't wait to play with my Polly! kit...  I hope you all like what I create.

Happy scrapping lovelies!
:) xox


My name's Gail and I'm from Brisbane where I'm lucky enough to be a SAHM to three gorgeous kids! I've been scrapbooking for a long time (about 15 years) and still love it just as much! I'm fortunate to have been part of several design teams over the years as well as a Scrapbooking Memories Master in 2012. Currently I design for Core'dinations Cardstock and Pink Paislee. 

Most importantly to me are the stories that I tell through my scrapbooking. I love the idea of my kids (and future grandkids even) reading about my thoughts and experiences through my scrapbooking.

You can connect with me on my blog After All These Years  or on Instagram (@gaillindner).

I can't wait to see what Kylie and Gail have in store for us!  Watch for updates on the blog and Facebook!


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