
Tea & Toast project life spread with Bernii Miller


Helloooo there..

It is Bernii Miller here with on this chilly Monday afternoon to share with you another Project Life spread I made using the June Tea & Toast kit and I also used a few pieces from the Cocoa & Chocolate add on embellishment kit..

Now this weeks spread is a little less embellishment heavy as this is now my 2 .5 ( I have an extra 8 x 10 instert along with this spread also ) so I am using up the last of the cards and the wood grain paper from the kit. You can see the first layout HERE that I made using this same kit. 

It is a fairly straight forward and simple layout and I had fun adding splashed of colour around the week with the exclusive Wilna Furstenberg acrylic pieces.. they are just to darling!! 

I didn't want to cut up this photo of my son playing on his new train mat so I decided to just add journalling pieces straight onto the photo..

I hope you have found some time to pull out your new June kit and start playing also.. 

Till next time 

Much love 
Bernii xx

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  1. Everything you do is just awesome Bernii! In love with your handwriting by the way LOL ;)


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