
Note to Self Pocket Life kit with Bernii Miller


Hello there Canaries...

It is Bernii here with you this evening to share with you my latest Project Life spread that I made using the November - Pocket Life Kit " Note to Self" . This kit is based around the super fun from Echo Park - Creative Agenda and Manda has done another superb job!! 

Manda has supplied everything in this  including a stamp set, flair , project life cards and the most amazing exclusive Amy Tangerine pieces!! 

For this week I kept the photos minimal as it was more about the stories that I wanted to capture albeit minimal. I was a really nice change for me to not have so many photos.. 

I even managed to slip in a card that I had my 5 year old write on to keep as a little keepsake. I love being able to add in those precious little touches.. 

I also went around the different pockets and sewed down the wood grain Teresa Collins alphas, to help them stick but mainly because I love the look of it. 

Well thanks so much for stopping by today and I hope that perhaps you can find some time to play with your Scrappy Canary kit this week..

Til next time 
Much love 
Bernii xx

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