
Our Story by Tarrah...


Hi there Canaries!

It's Tarrah back with you today, sadly my time on the Canary team has come to an end, so its my last share...it has been amazing to have been on the Scrappy Canary team, thank you so much Manda for having me as part of your team! 

I have been creating with the gorgeous December Sunshine and Lollipops Scrapbook Kit! This is the third layout that I created using this kit...you can see the other 2 layouts that I created with the same kit here and here!

'Our Story'

I have scrapped a photo from my brothers wedding, I still have so many to scrap of their special day, I am slowly getting through them!!

I was really happy with how this layout came together...I try to mix things up a little with my designs on my pages...I like to step outside the square so to speak!

Well its been an absolute pleasure Canaries! I hope I have given you some inspiration and you will of course continue to get some beautiful inspiration from the new team of very talented Canary girls!

Thanks for stopping by....see you around the scrappy world..
Tarrah x

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  1. Just gorgeous Tarrah, I must have a peep at the kits.

  2. beautiful work Tarrah :) all the best xx


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