
REACH - my One Little Word - with Kate


Morning Polly! fans,

My post today is going to be a little different for me - not my usual Project Life spread, but instead, a few pages of my One Little Word album. I know that many of you will be familiar with Ali Edwards One Little Word class, but for those who aren't, here are the details. Some of us on the Polly! DT are joining in the workshop this year, so you may get to see a few spreads here this year. My word for 2014 is REACH - reach my goals, reach out to distant friends, reach for my children, reach inside to explore what I want - you get the picture.

As soon as I saw the Salted Caramel Icecream kit for this month, I thought it was so pretty! Far too pretty for me to use in my boy-centric Project Life. And those transparencies - I knew I had to find a way to use them, because they were just so beautiful. It was then, that I remembered my slightly neglected One Little Word project, and knew that I had something to work on. Now, I will say that this spread was extremely difficult to photograph - because of overlays, transparencies, pockets etc. Very hard. But I hope you can get some inspiration from the spreads - I just love how they turned out! I completed these spreads while at Camp.Paper.Scissors with my fellow DT members Carol & Lauren. We had such a wonderful time together. So onto the pages.

To start with, I decided to do a page to show off those beautiful transparencies. I felt like they didn't need much else added to them. Yep, hard to photograph!

The top panel is 6x8. I used a perfect piece of the 12x12 paper from the Almond Biscotti scrapbooking kit from January. Not only did it match my colours but I loved BOTH sides. Bonus! I attached one of the 3x4 cards to my 6x8 piece. It lists things like "be uplifted, smile, open my heart". Perfect way to describe what I hope to achieve this year. I used these thickers from the shop & teamed them with the delicious silver arrows that were in both kits this month. I adhered these with glue dots (that I may or may not have accidentally stolen from Lauren!) They are such a perfect arrow shape. Loved them! The lovely ombre matched perfectly with the transparencies. Below are some close ups of the transparencies. 

In the album this looks beautiful. I just love using transparencies - it's something I've only been playing around with this year. The design is printed on the card. It's gorgeous. I simply placed a piece of the 12x12 paper at the bottom & added the thickers. I didn't want to use adhesive because it would show from the other side, so I adhered the paper in place using the wooden dots from the Salted Caramel Icecream kit. The pocket on the right is 2 transparencies (one bokkeh 4x6 & the quote 3x4) adhered together using enamel dots from my stash. Simple but looks fantastic.

And here is the back of the page. 

I told you both sides of the 12x12 paper were gorgeous! I love that woodgrain paper! There were 2 cards in the kit that contained a hexagonal pattern. I cut these apart, and then adhered the hexagons in a pattern that suited on the paper. I then added some words from the alpha sticker that suited my word. For the transparencies, I just left them as they were, simply placing another word on the back of the patterned tag. I just love how these cards look in the album (even if they are virtually impossible to photograph!!).

My next pages are 9 pockets that are 3.5 x 2.5 inch. The task for OLW in February, was to set some actions for the year. As you can see, I made some cards numbered 1-10, on which I plan to write these actions. (I've been reflecting on what I really want these to be, so haven't rushed to get them written up). 

These pockets contain a combination of the printables designed by Manda for the kit, cut apart cards & 6x6 paper, these ombre thickers that were in the Peppermint Tea add-on kit, and lots of embellishments from the kit. Love, love, love the thin yellow washi! So starting with the shaker pocket on the left. My very first shaker pocket!!

The banner was cut from the printable files & stapled into place using my tiny attacher. I then poured in the bottle of tiny yellow sequins & sealed the pocket shut with 2 strips of washi. The thick grey washi is from a previous Polly! Pocket scrapbooking kit. So simple, yet I just love how it looked. The thing that took the longest was cutting out the banner - and that didn't take long at all! I'm so going to be doing this again! Expect to see it in a PL spread soon!

I then created 6 cards (base is white card stock) using flags (cut from kit cards), labels (printables), washi (from the kit & my stash) and all the embellishments in the kit. I really love how these turned out. It's hard to think about writing on them, because I think they are too beautiful! Silly I know!

And here is the cards on the back of the page. Number 7-10 & then some filler cards with quotes that I enjoyed. Here is a close up of the shaker card. I covered the back of the banner with washi, then stuck a quote from the alpha stickers on the back. Again, simple but effective.

For something slightly different, I placed this transparency on the back of a kraft card. I really like that look too. 

I did really enjoy working with the Salted Caramel Icecream kit & still have plenty more left which I intend to use in a  12x12 layout for my next post. I'm glad I remembered by OLW album! This sentiments & quotes in this kit suited it perfectly!

Enjoy! Don't forget to post some links in Facebook if you share something made from the kit. We all love to see Polly! in action!


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