
Last minute Mother's Day Card with Sandra


It's Sandra here with you tonight, sharing my Mother's Day card. Of course, it's the very last minute before I get around to making a card for my mama tomorrow BUT..... never fear. There was a card put up on the Project Life Australia Facebook group recently (and if I could remember who shared it I would absolutely link them up, so if it's you please let me know!), that I knew would be a go-to design for me. It's simply two 3x4 cards, and a few little embellishments.

I've used cards from Polly's February Pocket Life kit, Salted Caramel Ice-cream (sold out, sorry). {Now I know I said there were only 2 cards, but I used one of the overlays, so technically there's 3 in this one} If I had any of the wooden enamel dots they would have gone straight on there, but I have run out, so I grabbed some pink pearl dots from my stash. I simply popped a doily behind everything, just because she is that type of Mum.

This design is so simple and fast, and would work with any kit or couple of cut down papers. It's so easy in fact, that I'm off to make one for my Grandma also!

Love and light,
Sandra xx

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