
How to get started on your December Daily Album


Hi, Aimee here. I’m super excited to be here today to kick off the first of our December Daily series.  By now, I’m sure many of you have started amassing a pile of Christmas supplies. I know I have! This year, I’ll be using the Polly December Daily kit and whatever else I find lying around. I have to admit that I’m not really one for preparing pages. Partly because I like to use the colours from my photos to dictate a layout and well… I don’t have kids, so scrapping everyday is not that much of a drama. I have, however, taken the time to pimp out my album. Would you like to see?

Now three days, four coats of paint and a hot glue gun burn later, I want to talk to you today about inspiration.  I do truly believe that creativity is just like a muscle – the more you use it the stronger it gets. Personally, more often than not, I have a vision for a project long before I begin, but what if you don’t know where it is that you’re headed? What if you want to tackle a project, but have no idea where to start?  It’s a great question and that’s exactly where I found myself at 4am on Thursday. I had just wrapped up another amazing project that encompassed 3 of my CT teams. I was pumped and motivated by the result. I was up early to watch the Becky Higgins Creative Live class. I sat down on the floor behind my coffee table to watch the class with a bare BasicGrey Capture Album in front of me and… nothing. No ideas at all. What is a girl to do in situations like this?

Well my first port of call is always Pinterest. I adore Pinterest because the cream of the crop naturally rises to the top. It’s different from doing a Google search because Google works on a very particular algorithm that is influenced by your previous searches. Pinterest is people-powered. The more pins and likes it has, the more likely it is to show up in your search. I did get an idea for a misted cover, but ultimately abandoned it because my mist was the wrong shade of green.

Next stop is always Instagram.  There is something truly wonderful about Instagram because not everybody’s album looks posed and perfect. I also love that it all happens in real time. People are working on their albums at the exact same time as you. Sadly, in this case there were A LOT of red binding star albums out there, which wasn’t a lot of help to me.

Usually, if I’m still out of luck by this point, I would head for the big galleries, such as Studio Calico, Two Peas or even here, but you can guess what that would result in… red binding, painted stars.
Lean in just a little closer, because now I’m going to fill you in on a secret. My absolute last stop, which never seems to fail, are the archives. I head to my favourite blogs, the blogs written by my scrapping Idols, and I search their tags for relevant topics. More often than not, the posts go back many, many years and guess what I found?

This was an image I found of Elizabeth Kartchner’s (Dear Lizzy) Daily December album from 2011.  I loved the simple title and the use of frame.  I also felt the combination of textures were brilliant. The doily, washi, wood and glitter are just a great combination. I used enamel dots as a nod to her confetti motif.

So how did it come together?

1. Gather supplies. I didn’t have a frame similar to the one in the picture. The one you see on the front of my album is actually a letter stencil. I used to use it to address letters back in my pen pal days. The doily came from my present wrapping supplies. I dug through my washi basket to find all my red tape and I’ve got an uber crush on velvet ribbon right now.

2. Paint. I masked off the binding on my album (P.S. this album can be found in the Polly store) with washi and painted the front and back covers with Acrylic white paint. It took 4 coats over a period of a day and a half. I wasn’t really prepared to use a heat tool to dry the paint between coats because I have heard rumours of it warping the cardboard. Once dry, I gave it a light sand with fine sand paper to remove brush marks.

3. Layering and placement. Long before glue was involved, I shuffled the elements around and around until I was happy. I asked my scrappy friends, I asked my husband… then I ignored them all and did what I liked.

4. If it can’t survive a toddler attack, you didn’t use enough glue. I’m a minimalist and, don’t get me wrong, I understand the logic behind making flat covers, but I really do love mine so the only other option was glue and lots of it. I used a hot glue gun to glue everything (EVERYTHING) down.

5. Ta-da! Admire your handiwork.

Just in case you were wondering, here is my supply list:
  • Green Basic GreyCapture Album
  • Red Velvet Ribbon
  • White Doily
  • Maggie Holmes Gold Daiquiri Thickers
  • Freckled Fawn Red Stripe Washi
  • Small Freckled Fawn Red Sequin Bow
  • Wooden Letter Stencil
  • Red Enamel dots form the DD kit
  • Gold Enamel Dots from past Polly Kits
  • Green Enamel Dot I found lose on the bookcase

Just a few more things before I leave you.  I’ll be back in early December to show you my progress, but if that isn’t soon enough please feel free to check on my progress over on my blog. If you are using the Polly kit too, please feel free to tag me in any and all social media. I love seeing how you are all using my designs. There is no greater feeling as a designer. Oh and just a reminder, there are still December Daily kits and Christmas stamps available in store. Any questions?

Have a fantastic weekend.

Aimee xx

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  1. Gorgeous Aimee, I can't wait to get my album next week to make a start.

  2. Thanks Sue. I can't wait to see what you make. xx


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