
Pink is such a happy colour.. and stereotypes are dumb anyway


Who Knew 

I often hear scrapbookers saying they cannot use this or that product because they have boys.. I get that, really I do! but on the other hand, I really like hot pink! There is heaps of fushia in my favourite new lines and I want to play with cute flowers, butterflies and girly stuff in my hobby that fills a need for me to do something that is for me. But my photo today was my son's birthday party. Should I use the products I have in front of me that are inspiring me right now, the colour palette I wanted to use today or should I go find something blue and boyish? Should I use these products for a different photo, of my daughter perhaps? Is this memory all his, or is this creative play for me? 

I think it isn't a simple answer, and I know that a lot of people will be adamantly certain that this is his memory and about him and it would be wrong to use hot pink. For me it is important that I remember why I am doing this and what makes this hobby continue to bring me happiness. One reason is that I love to write down stories and memories so that I don't forget these moments. Another equally important reason, however, is that this is a chance for me to unwind and de-stress, and I need to be able to make my own rules for that. It makes me happy to use hot pink some days. This was one of those days. This is a happy memory and this pink is so happy that is fit the tone and feel of the story for me. Others might think it's weird, but I'm ok with that. 

This layout is using the colour palette for the Life.Paper.Scrapbook December challenge. Head over to their blog for more examples. I was a little surprised to see that this month, with a hot pink, light pink, red, kraft and emerald colour palette, which I think is pretty girly, that more than half the team examples seem to be photos of boys! It is clearly not just me who is willing to face down the stereotype.


The layout is using the Polly! Scrap December main kit, Watermelon Gelato, with the exclusive Amy Tan camera's in it. It is a pretty simple layout, but I am not a terribly complicated scrapbooker, I like to play a bit with paper and then get my story included without making it into too difficult a process (I usually create at night when I a little tired and not terribly dexterous too).

Who Knew

The story for this layout is tucked into the stitched vellum pocket that is behind the photo. I put two journalling cards in there, one with confetti as it was a celebration and I thought that added a feel to the photo of party-time, and one with journalling on it. This party was one of those times when you stop and think about what life was like 12 months ago and realise how far we have come.

Who Knew 

I wrote to my son, telling him how amazing he is, and how I did not expect to be here in 12 months. He used to find playcentres very stressful and has been known to hide under the tables covering his ears when he was younger, but his progress makes me so proud and when he asked to have his party at this place, we agreed, if a little apprehensively. It could not have been more successful and I am so delighted with how he has been growing up and learning how to cope in situations that he would have had a meltdown in before, and even learning to enjoy things that he couldn't handle before.

Who Knew

Here is the whole layout, it is a very happy page for me, full of happy colours and images. Peeking through the frames at party plates of pink and green. I love how it turned out and how it evokes the feeling of those moments. Join in this challenge with Life,Paper.Scrapbook and you could win a seat in Becky Higgin's latest class at BPC, an awesome class about cultivating a good life and recording it, called Project Real Life. Head over to the LPS blog now to join in!!  

If you like the look of Watermelon Gelato, the December kit, there are still a few available, so pop into the Polly shop.

Please note that while I may pop to the post office now and then, time permitting, the next official shipping date for any order in the store is after January 13th as I will be on holidays between now and then. 

I wanted to take a quick moment to thank you all for your loyal support this year, in a year filled with transitions and wonderful changes for me and Polly! Thank you so much, if I don't take my turn on the blog before then, please have a safe and happy holidays. 

xx Ruth
*please note that this post originally appeared on my personal blog*

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  1. Really love this! So impressed with how you pushed the boundaries and did something unexpected!!! Love pink with boys. I always said I would only marry a boy who wore pink.... still yet to get him in a pink shirt lol. xoxo

  2. This layout is fab, and a great example that we should never be hindered by stereotypes! I have 2 boys and have never held back from using any scrap product I want. If I am inspired by pink, pastels, glitter, etc I use them without worrying about what others think. Expressing ourselves without rules is so important in being creative :-)


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