
Mothers Day at Kinder.. Layout share by Michelle


Hey Everyone
Michelle back for a second time today with yet another belated layout share.

This layout is a little different to usual. Im sharing a way that you can incorporate Kids art into your albums, rather than keeping it all out of sight like I do. We have a tub full of it here which I hope to make use of in the future.

I really wanted to make the photos and handmade paper stand out, so Ive used kit contents that compliment and blend well together. I love the end result!

The art made by Leila, was originally used to wrap up a present that she had made at Kinder

A closer view of the left hand page

The cards made by the children were quite cute, with a drawing and printed verse on the inside. I added the sticker embellishments to match the page :)

Such cheesy grins!!

Closer view of the right hand side

One of my favourite photos of the day. She had so much fun showing me around the room, and the activities that she enjoys the most

The Pink Paislee glitter word was just perfect to finish this side off

Thanks for stopping by again. I hope this inspires you in some way to use up Kids art rather than keeping it in tubs like I normally do.
Happy Scrapping
Michelle x

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