
Project Life with Nae


Hey guys, so once again I am using the wonderful Amy Tangerine Plus One papers that came in the March PL kit. I haven't really scrapped since my last layout I shared here on Polly! and I don't know about you, but for me I don't like the same collection of paper showing up two weeks in a row and with 2013 finished, I really had no idea what I was going to create to inspire you all to use those last little bits of your March kit. I was thinking of possibly making cards but then I thought to myself that I hadn't finished my end page for my 2013 album. I had picked out colours and cards but I was totally uninspired by what I had sitting before me. You will see the layout in the process video below.

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So using the March kit, I decided to focus on the beautiful yellow and black love heart pattern which I just adore and from there I created a stunning black white and yellow end page for my 2013 album.

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 I really love not using traditional christmas colours and papers on christmas type layouts. Since this was the end of the year and i had a heap of unused Christmas card photo shoot images left over, I decided to do a mini collage on one 12x12 Design A page.

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I chose one of my 3x4 photos to also be in colour and add just a little something extra to my page. I have formed a habit of doing my title and end pages in black and white and the rest of my album in colour photos.

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 I also used the cute little cork Instagram frame to focus in on another of my 3x4 photos.

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 I used a lot of the cute little round stickers from the sticker sheets and just love how they so easily tie in with the colour scheme. And last but definitely not least, I have included yet another process video for you all. Even though this one doesnt have a lot to it, I still love documenting my work through video and since I dont blog, vlogging is my way of capturing the process. I hope you enjoy guys and thanks again for checking out my creations! 

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So thats it for now everyone.
Many Happily Ever After guys,
Love always, Nae xoxo

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